Welcome to Revival Fires of Freedom Ministries
What an exciting day we live in! There is change all around us - some of it is great, and some is not very good. But, we don't need to focus on the things of darkness.
As children of the Light, when we are watchful and open our hearts and minds to comprehend, we will be able to see God at move around the world as never before.
He is doing amazing things! We need to see the great things God is doing so we are not numbed out or dumbed down or deceived by wickedness.
Darkness is increasing in many ways; and evil seems to have free reign. But don't be alarmed, God is not in a panic. From an earthly perspective it sometimes seems the world is on a downward slope heading rapidly toward hell, but in reality, God in His amazing mercy, is waiting.
He is not willing that anyone perish! Every day is a new day to come alive to Him, to learn to know Him, to walk with Him. Today is the day when God longs to see Revival Fires burning brightly in our lives, across our nations and around the world.
This is no day for the Christian to be timid or fearful; and this is definitely not the day for believers to be passive, or preoccupied and certainly not unaware.
As never before, we who follow Jesus must be alert, watchful, full of discernment and wisdom, and overflowing with hope and expectation.
Any day now God will intervene and turn the world of evil, wickedness and darkness upside down. His extravagant mercy will not go on forever; His perfect judgement will also come to bear.
He will set things right! And until then we still have time to fan the flames of revival, in our own lives, in the lives of our family and friends, our communities, our countries and globally!
Let's pray for revival to break out and spread.
Let's do all we can to bring salvation, healing, deliverance, and eternal hope to all we know, all whose lives we touch. Jesus will return for His Bride soon. We must be ready. We must bring in the lost. This is a day like none other. Let's maximize the impact of Jesus in all we say and do.
Perhaps you are wondering why we have chosen the theme of fire, and the Bible verse about God being a consuming fire. You may be asking, why did God reveal Himself as a fire?
Fire is seen throughout the Bible. Starting in the garden of Eden. After the fall and Adam and Eve had to leave their garden home, an angel with a flaming sword protected the way to the tree of life.
This was not judgement, but God's mercy! He did this so that people could experience God's plan for regeneration and rebirth.
Later, Moses encounters a burning bush, and then Fire up on Mount Sinai.
In the wilderness, God led the children of Israel with a cloud and a pillar of fire. In the tabernacle and the temple, God's fire was seen on the altar, in the lampstand and on the Mercy Seat.
Remember Elijah and how the fire fell from heaven? That was Old Testament. In the New Testament we see the tongues of fire fall at Pentecost, and that changed everything. So why fire?
The fire of God consumes evil. The Fire of God refines and purifies us. We desperately need a fresh fire of God in our lives, our homes, our churches and our nations. As we learn to fan the flames of faith in our hearts, hope and courage will arise. As we carry the fire of God, we are changed, our whole existence is changed.
God send Your fire. We need it today. We need You, Lord God. Come and complete Your plans for us, for this day, at this time and season.
In Jesus' Name, amen
Click here for Songs with a message of Hope - Freedom - Purpose - Salvation
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