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God's Amazing Grace by Roger Gamble

My New Book is available to those who will help our mission in Kenya

For those who will help this vital ongoing ministry that needs to be done in Kenya. To helping equipping pastors and children in poverty as we are able. We want to sew back into your lives as well.

For every gift of $20 or more we will sew back into you an eBook version of God’s Amazing Grace so you can read that Grace is more than we have realized.  Plus, the truths Rev Gamble has learned going through the valleys and the Dark Night of the Soul and more Plus the loss of His Best Friend, partner and wife.

For every gift of $50 or more we will sew back into you a soft cover version of God’s Amazing Grace so you can read that Grace is more than we have realized.  Plus, the truths Rev Gamble has learned going through the valleys and the Dark Night of the Soul and more Plus the loss of His Best Friend, partner, and wife.

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