
Rev Tony Sharing about Rev Gamble

Kenya Christian Police Association Crusade

Break Poverty Message

Thank you from the children for getting them some clothing

Rev Flo Speaking in Nairobi

Rev Flo Speaking in Nairobi at Rev Joel Odalo's church

Amazing Street Crusade with Rev Tony and His church

Great Grace International Church in Kenya

Thank You Helping

After the Flooding Kenya

Street Crusade in Nairobi

Ministering in the prison in Nairobi Kenya

Worship in Kenya

Pictures from Africa mission

Rain cannot stop Uganda meeting

Break The Curse Meeting

Some video from our Break The Curse meeting in Uganda. People wrote out issues and curses they were under, they put them in the coffins and then we burned them. Special time of worship, prayer and standing against evil and witchcraft. Praise God He touch many lives and the power of curses some going back many generations were broken. The Power of God fell upon many

Uganda Battle of the mind

Kenya Church

Waving back to Christians in Canada

Rev Joel Odalo

Rev Joel Odalo Singing after both Flo and I spoke at his church. The presence of God was powerful as he sang

On the road to speak in a church

Pastors comments and info for Break the Curse Meeting

Comments from pastor and our instructions for Break the Curse meeting

Younge Lad praying for people

Alter was full of people seeking prayer, young lad i have prayer for a few days before, Felt impressed to call him to help., after some instruction he went ahead praying for people. Was a joy to see this lad praying for others. Never once did he hesitate or say I cant do this.

Leadership Training Kenya